common examples of
excess potentials
Learn why comparisons keep you away from your soul's success sectors.
Perfectionism causes us to be tuned into the sector of reality where we are constantly dissatisfied. An inner image of dissatisfaction transports us to an outer reality where fulfillment is now impossible—but we chose this scenario.
Elevated Importance
Every subject has equal value on the energy plane. Creating an idol of a person or subject & worshipping them creates an unequal balance of energy in nature. The balancing forces will knock this subject off its pedestal.
Superiority & Inferiority
If you feel superior to others, you are inviting the balancing forces to knock you off of that high horse. The same is true for if you see yourself as less valuable—you'll be shown you have equal inherent value as your "idols."
"If you do this, I'll do that:" "If you say I was right, I will stay friends with you." "If you take care of the home & kids, I'll take care of the money." "I'll stay in the relationship as long as you let me project my insecurities onto you so I don't have to change." "If you keep quiet, I won't hurt you."
"They are not like us:" "They are less intelligent—I'll tell them what to do." "That person is better than me—I should change myself." "Those people in that nation live differently—we should interfere with their lives."
"This is good, & that is bad." "That person is a saint; I am a sinner." "You are bad because I am good." "This political party is full of patriots; the other is full of liars." "This is quality is beautiful; that quality is ugly."
Dependence Relationships
An excess potential is not too bad on its own, but if you create a dependence relationship, you set the balancing forces against you. Dependence relationships are the opposite of un-conditional love, because they're based on conditions or comparisons which always create inner or outer conflict. Pendulums will then provoke further conflict to harvest negative energy. Learn how to spot one here.
As you read the dependence relationship examples, imagine how each scenario could be different if viewed from the level of unconditional love.
Balancing Forces: FAQ
examples of each excess potential
Mirror Cycle
Astrological Transurfing teaches you to say goodbye to the Vicious Mirror Cycle for good.
Learn how to systematically dissolve all excess potentials that adversely affect your inner image.
My teaching method allows you to uncover even the unconscious excess potentials & invisible pendulums using the aspects in your natal chart.
Here's how to find your soul's success sectors: