common examples of

excess potentials

Learn why comparisons keep you away from your soul's success sectors.

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Good deeds do not cancel out the effect of guilt. If we carry guilt inside, our inner image will reflect back an outer reality in which we justifiably deserve punishment. The way out is to let go of the energy of guilt entirely.


Perfectionism causes us to be tuned into the sector of reality where we are constantly dissatisfied. An inner image of dissatisfaction transports us to an outer reality where fulfillment is now impossible—but we chose this scenario.


Elevated Importance

Every subject has equal value on the energy plane. Creating an idol of a person or subject & worshipping them creates an unequal balance of energy in nature. The balancing forces will knock this subject off its pedestal.


Superiority & Inferiority

If you feel superior to others, you are inviting the balancing forces to knock you off of that high horse. The same is true for if you see yourself as less valuable—you'll be shown you have equal inherent value as your "idols."

"If you do this, I'll do that:" "If you say I was right, I will stay friends with you." "If you take care of the home & kids, I'll take care of the money." "I'll stay in the relationship as long as you let me project my insecurities onto you so I don't have to change." "If you keep quiet, I won't hurt you."

"They are not like us:" "They are less intelligent—I'll tell them what to do." "That person is better than me—I should change myself." "Those people in that nation live differently—we should interfere with their lives."

"This is good, & that is bad." "That person is a saint; I am a sinner." "You are bad because I am good." "This political party is full of patriots; the other is full of liars." "This is quality is beautiful; that quality is ugly."

Dependence Relationships

An excess potential is not too bad on its own, but if you create a dependence relationship, you set the balancing forces against you. Dependence relationships are the opposite of un-conditional love, because they're based on conditions or comparisons which always create inner or outer conflict. Pendulums will then provoke further conflict to harvest negative energy. Learn how to spot one here.

As you read the dependence relationship examples, imagine how each scenario could be different if viewed from the level of unconditional love.

Learn why excess potentials

slow down goal achievement:

Blog Post

Balancing Forces: FAQ

What are the balancing forces?

Every subject has equal value on the energy plane. If humans elevate the importance of a job over their relationships, physical health or spirituality, the balancing forces block or delay job-related goals to restore the equal balance of energy to all subjects. They may see to it that you get sick or that your boss gives you impossible tasks. They will restore balance along the path requiring the least energy.

What are dependence relationships?

On the spiritual plane, all things have equal value—so when you form a dependence relationship based on comparison, you set the balancing forces against you. If you want to hang on to that prestigious job title or that amazing romantic partner, do not start making comparisons between your job/relationship status and those positions of other people. Living in comparative reality gives rise to the balancing forces, which have the ability to take those prized positions away from you. If you "hold on more loosely," you will increase the likelihood it will stay in your life. Since this is more akin to unconditional love, the balancing forces will leave you alone.

What if I cannot let go of my guilt?

First, accept the situation & yourself as-is. Do not create yet another excess potential of perfectionism which will cause you further problems. Accept the fact that guilt compounds every negative emotion shame, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride, so you can expect it to arise. However, it is possible to systematically learn to surrender these emotions which have been stored in your nervous system from past experiences until they run out. See Letting Go by Dr. David R. Hawkins for a quantification of the scale of consciousness & his replication of the surrender technique with thousands of patients, leading to recovery from all kinds of ailments.


examples of each excess potential


"I feel responsible for all the conflict in my family so I need to work on myself."

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"I should be making love with my partner instead of taking alone time."

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"I should try to change myself because people don't like it when I tell the truth instead of following the herd."

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"I can't allow people to know I have a rough home life because I need to keep up my image."
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"This task must be done exactly right so I can't let anyone else help—they could drop the ball."
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"I have to hide all of my physical flaws or else my partner will be turned off."
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"If I don't get this particular job, I'll have failed my family and I won't be able to face them."
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"I idolize my new partner & if this relationship doesn't work out, I'll never get over them."
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"My wife called it quits after 10 years of my workaholism because I didn't spend any time with her."

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"I am better than that homeless person because I've worked harder than they have."
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"I am better than people in the opposing political party because they are liars and idiots."
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"My religion has the right spiritual beliefs & anyone who doesn't follow them has lost their way."
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"The higher levels of success that wealthy people enjoy are not meant for me in this lifetime."
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"Maybe I'm flattering myself to think that my spouse would worry while I'm away."
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"I'm not particularly gifted at anything worthwhile."
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Mirror Cycle

Astrological Transurfing teaches you to say goodbye to the Vicious Mirror Cycle for good.

Learn how to systematically dissolve all excess potentials that adversely affect your inner image.

My teaching method allows you to uncover even the unconscious excess potentials & invisible pendulums using the aspects in your natal chart.

Here's how to find your soul's success sectors:

Level One