In a previous blog post, we discussed how the presence of excess potentials can either block or delay the fulfillment of our goals, because they can set the balancing forces of nature against us. If we can eliminate the excess energy potential inside of ourselves, this results in a smooth & illuminated path to our goals.
Today we’ll be talking about one specific excess potential in depth: the energy of guilt. Recognizing excess potentials can be tricky because we are so conditioned to believe our only recourse is to fight an obstacle after it has already manifested. You can use this article to recognize & surrender the excess potential of guilt inside of yourself, and thus dissolve any of its associated problems that had been bothering you in your outer reality.
Guilt is a form of self-condemnation and a denial of our own inner innocence. Out of this learned sense of self-invalidation, the mind is always telling us that we should be doing something else with our time, and then if we decide to spend time on something else, the mind tells us we should be doing it better.
We often attempt to escape the pain of guilt through repression, suppression or through projecting it onto others, which looks like invalidating the activities that they choose to spend their time on. This does not remove the guilt from our inner metaphysical image. Unless and until we surrender it , we are still carrying it within our subconscious mind, even though it is out of our awareness.
This means our inner image is running a script that tells others and the world that we are guilty, and we deserve to be punished. Once we have systematically surrendered the energy of guilt until there is none left inside of us, the criticisms and attacks from the world will subside entirely. We will not be subject to violence from the outside because we are no longer emitting an inner image which tells others that we deserve it.
If you're unfamiliar with this emotional freedom technique, you can read more about the surrender process in the blog post How to Let Go of Stored Negative Energy in the Body Until it Runs Out.
Ironically, the reason we are full of so much guilt is because of our very inner innocence. Our minds are so programmable that we bought into the lies that other people & the world were selling us, telling us that we were wrong, impure, unworthy, and undeserving of grace. It is this inner innocence that has caused us to allow the world to make our smaller self forget the real truth about who we are.
Guilt represents death in the subconscious mind. It is the energy behind our willingness to believe negative things about ourselves. When we carry it inside of our inner image, we find ourselves in reality sectors where there is the presence of disease, and the loss of pleasure, vitality and zest for life. Diseases of any type have a much higher chance of sticking around in our life so long as the guilt does—it is one possible punishment script that arises from someone emitting an inner image that they deserve punishment. Once they surrender this inner guilt, the script must dissolve as well. As within, so without.
However, if we get really extreme with our inner sense of guilt and take it even further —deciding that we are a bad person overall—this dependence relationship (false comparison) will definitely set the balancing forces against us. Guilt is then the foundation for a lot of the troubles we encounter in our relationships and in any area where we feel we do not measure up.
The balancing forces will then do whatever is necessary to restore the equal balance, which unfortunately can mean more and more attacks or punishment from the world until we finally wake up to the inner cause of our outer circumstances, and say “Okay! I’ve had just about enough of this! I don’t think that whatever I did ‘wrong’ warrants an infinite stream of violence from the world! I think maybe I actually do deserve to enjoy the pleasures that other people seem to be able to access so readily!”
When we finally make an inner decision that we’ve had enough, we must remember: there is no winning of the guilt game—the only way out is to let go of the guilt entirely. I am always telling my students to dissolve the energy behind the obstacle rather than fight the physical circumstances you find yourself in. The only way out of this cycle of punishment & denial of pleasure is to remove all guilt from your inner image.
You may think that occasionally going without the miracles & joy that are our birthright is just a "part of life," but I'm asking you to be open to the alternative possibility that this limiting belief is actually a function of the guilt within your inner image, which is dictating an upper limit on how much abundance you think you deserve.
Some try to make up for whatever it is they feel guilty about because they don’t realize they can just surrender the energy of guilt, since the guilt has nothing personal to do with us. The reason they can’t see the way out is because they are identifying with the guilt—but it is an impersonal energy that arises within the Earth’s field. As such, good deeds will not cancel out the effect of guilt—in fact, the more we try to compensate, the more we inwardly confirm that we have something rotten about ourselves that we need to “make up” for.
Why do some people view guilt as beneficial? It’s because they don’t see that there are higher levels of consciousness that can serve as even better motivators than the level of guilt ever could. Guilt is really a substitute for the absence of wisdom or a lack of life experience to prevent repeating the same mistake as we made before. Ask yourself: can’t I decide to care for others out of a sense of love and appreciation, rather than out of obligation because I’m afraid of what people might think of me if I don’t?
The perk of simply surrendering the guilt is that many other negative emotions that were stuck because of the guilt will then also be easily surrendered! One wonderful discovery you will make is that the awareness of guilt makes it much easier to surrender other negative emotions.
Once you surrender the guilt, you find out that the only reason you were having trouble surrendering the anger pattern you wanted to get rid of is because you were unaware of the guilt that came up about having the feelings of anger in the first place.
Once the guilt is surrendered, the anger will be much easier to let go of as well. Click here for more on the different kinds of excess potentials & how you can keep them from ruining your positive inner image.