Digging for Diamonds: How to Not Lose Heart on the Way to a Goal

Digging for Diamonds: How to Not Lose Heart on the Way to a Goal

People are becoming more familiar with the idea that we live in a vibrational universe, but many struggle to understand that we have to sustain a certain frequency for a period of time before we will see any physical changes in our reality. The nature of reality is quite like a mirror that functions with a delay. In order to use it to shape our reality in the way that we want, we have to get used to the delay function—that is, we have to begin to expect that waiting period.

If you were to smile or frown in front of an ordinary mirror, your reflection would change along with you in real time. This is why so many people become confused when working with the principles of reality creation: they expect that if they make an inner change, they should see a simultaneous outer change pretty soon after.

They form a new inner metaphysical image of how they will feel when their desired goal arrives, and then expect almost immediate physical feedback. When it is not forthcoming, they conclude “This stuff doesn’t work,” or “I must be doing something wrong,” and here is the kicker—they allow that erroneous conclusion to dictate their mood, which then shatters the unity of the soul and the mind about the fulfillment of their chosen goal.

Why is this change in mood such a big deal? It’s because that mood change is a decision point when the individual turns their back on the very thing they originally said they wanted so badly!

What they fail to realize is that the driving force behind all of reality creation is the unity between soul and mind, which forms a specific metaphysical image inside of you that will match the next sector of reality which unfolds in your physical world. Thus, if you lose heart like this too soon, it’s impossible for the universe to deliver you to your goal. But that impossibility came out of the inner decision that you made to lose heart; therefore, this process is truly under your control.

Let’s break this down with a visual.

The inner image that our soul and mind agree on will transport us to the yet unrealized reality sector that corresponds with that same frequency. This is called soul-mind unity and it’s what aligns us with external intention, which carries us to the goal along the most efficient pathway. When we are aligned with external intention, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the goal is already ours, and we are allowing the divine intelligence to come up with the perfect solution. We are not wishing for the goal, hoping for the goal, trying to fight the obstacles on the path, or using the force of the personal will to demand that we get what we want, because all of these things keep us tuned in to a reality sector where the goal is absent from our lives.

It is so incredibly tempting to lose heart when we don’t see any physical evidence of progress being made toward our goal, but we have to develop the inner fortitude to maintain our original enthusiasm and inspiration.

When we maintain our original inspiration out of discipline, then we have the ability to stay focused on what it feels like to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the goal is already complete—we just can’t see it with the physical eyes. It’s crucial to be aware that there will always be a delay, because physical matter takes time to change form. If we don’t know about the reality mirror’s delay function, we assume that no physical feedback means that we’re on the wrong track, or that goal just isn’t coming.

This is why most people lose heart too soon. They have not learned to adjust to the fact that reality’s mirror works with a delay. The image below is a widely shared meme called "Digging for Diamonds," and it depicts what so often happens to most people on the way to their goal. The man on the bottom had a lot of initial enthusiasm and motivation, and he took inspired action according to what it feels like to be in alignment with his goal, but then what happened to him? He didn't see what he considered to be an appropriate return on his efforts right away, and he lost heart. If you were to talk to him in an effort to keep him going, he'd probably tell you he's convinced it's hopeless to continue.

He was SO close to the goal being delivered—it’s just that his physical eyes couldn’t detect it. Notice that the man on top cannot detect the diamonds with his physical eyes either, but that is not the crucial factor as to whether or not he ends up with the same outcome as the man on the bottom.

What determines his fate will be his ability to resist the temptation to lose heart. That is an inner decision, and it has nothing to do with his outer conditions.

How many times have you tried something difficult only to give up because you didn’t see a reward in a certain timeframe? All great musicians, athletes, and artists you admire all went through a periods where they truly felt like giving up, because there was a delay before their reality started to reflect the performance caliber that they always knew they were truly capable of.

Have you ever gone through a period in life where you feel like you lost your “spark” or that passion that you once felt when you were younger? Most of the time, this is due to an inner conclusion we’ve come to in error. We think a sense of dullness is just “how life is,” but this lackluster feeling is actually caused by our habit of losing heart about whether or not we can live a life that is truly fulfilling to our own soul.

If we still haven’t learned to push through that period of delay by maintaining our soul-mind unity to get to our desired reality sector, then we will inevitably mistakenly believe that life gets worse as we get older. How could we not come to this conclusion if we keep allowing ourselves to lose heart over and over again? It isn’t some tendency of life to be dull—it’s our habit of losing heart that is resulting in reality sectors unfolding that have lots more things for us to lose heart over!

See if any of these sound familiar:

The dating scene has gotten worse and worse—I’m ultimately giving up finding someone who doesn’t just want someone for my money/looks/cooking skills, etc. I have to invest so much time in a relationship that gives me back so little.”

The politics in this country are so corrupt and so divisive, I’m just giving up on believing there is anything I can do to change things, because people are more interested in hating the other side than solving problems.”

The job market is so awful—I’ve applied for dozens upon dozens of jobs and had only one interview. I’m ultimately so afraid that I won’t be able to support my family no matter what I do.”

Some may perceive these as being absolute truths about the world, but they are not. In my book The Smooth Fulfillment of the Soul, we illuminate how all of the above statements are relative truths. That is, they may be true, but only for the current reality sector that your soul and mind have vibrationally tuned into. In this current sector, it may seem to you that you have all the justification in the world to lose heart. After all, look at all the “proof” around you! Even if you don’t give up, if you feel inwardly defeated or stressed or discouraged, you are losing heart. You are no longer strengthening your ability to tune into your own soul’s success sectors. Remember, you don't have to react that way—you have just been conditioned to believe that what is most real are the things we can see with our physical eyes.

Acknowledge that your current reality is not working, but instead of giving up, say to yourself, “Let me see if I can tune into something totally different that I find really, really satisfying.” Then, let your soul do her thing and tune into the space of variations. After all, there are many people who are living lives where they participate in satisfying work, have satisfying romantic relationships, and feel fulfilled by activities their communities—why couldn’t this be your experience? This has nothing to do with finding fulfillment outside of you—you’re evoking a more satisfying inner feeling first, and then just allowing the outside world to change according to your inner metaphysical image.

If you identify with any of the disheartening statements from the examples above, try to re-orient your inner image with something you’d like better. For example, “I’m tuning in to how surprised and amazed I would feel to meet a partner who feels truly fulfilled by providing me with acts of service and planning vacations, dates, and a fulfilling family life together.”

Did you roll your eyes? There’s your inner issue! Do not allow even the smallest frustration to take root in your heart or it will fester! Instead, be happy that you’ve had this opportunity to practice, and celebrate yourself for improving! That alone will tune you into your soul’s success sectors. If you maintain that same miserable sense of dejection that nobody in this world could possibly satisfy you, then you’ll get the exact same results as you’ve always had. You’re tuned into a sector of reality where no satisfying partner exists. You said you didn’t want that, but that’s the inner image you were holding onto. On some level, there is a reward in feeling "right" about something, so if we see proof about how bad things really are, we may feel secretly vindicated. In that case, you'll have to decide for yourself whether you'd rather be tuned into a more enjoyable sector of reality or whether you'd rather be "right" about how bad life is.

Even if you have a lot of momentum going in a miserable direction, it’s easily reversed. You just need to make sure that you refuse to lose heart over your new chosen image.

The moment you’ve made a new decision and gone in a new direction, you need to be on high alert for the smallest positive occurrences in those areas. Once something positive happens, amplify that first inspirational feeling within yourself. Milk it for all that it is worth, and don’t allow a pendulum to pull you off of your center with its provocations. This is how you continuously ride the wave of success. Your sector of reality is now becoming saturated with satisfaction, as this matches with the content of your soul-mind unity. If you fall off because of the negative provocation of a pendulum, remind yourself what happens when you lose heart, and make the decision to jump right back on the wave.

Perhaps the politics or the job market examples seem more difficult, because there are so many people tuned in to a negative state of affairs. Remind yourself that your sector of reality is not theirs. You are allowed to tune in to whatever inner image suits you personally—do not allow yourself to believe that anything is impossible with external intention. If you do believe it is impossible to rectify, then you have already made your choice. Complaining about the outcome of that choice is never going to get you to where you want to go. We have to allow ourselves to ignore the feedback we see in our current reality if we hope to tune into something new.

Those who influence the world the most are the ones who are the least influenced by it.

Allow yourself to let any past negativity go, and set aside some time to get creative with new inner metaphysical images today. Tell your soul you have more faith in her abilities now, and you’ll be working together to tune into a greater vision for all of these areas of your life.

When that first inspiration hits, inwardly praise yourself for following the path to your soul’s highest goals. It’s a sign that you’re really “tuned-in” to your unique pathways that lead to those sectors of reality that contain your personal soul’s goals. They exist, and they’re worth finding!

You can read more about climbing to your bliss in this blog post about shedding the one-size-fits-all model of success.

Enjoy the process!



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